Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fairwell Mouse!

My dearest Pixels I have unfortunate news!
Today the last of six Fancy mice has finally passed away, her name was Lona'.
She lived a good and privileged life despite the fact it was mostly spent in a cage...
But hey boy, it was a large cage... with a large price (I may add). Populated by many other mice. She was white, as were three other mice, so by the time she was the only mouse left I just started calling her Lona' (get it?) cause I couldn't tell which mouse she originally was. I had these mice for a span of about four and a half years!

I now present to you my pet mouse obituaries, enjoy:
  • Short Round
  • The only brown mouse, she was one of the three originals first brought to our room and quickly became the family favorite. She was easily the smartest and cutest mouse of the bunch. She had a penchant for hording food and on any given hour of the day you could find her running on the little treadmill. It was really sad to see Short Round leave us.
  • DOD: May 2009
  • COD: old age
  • Cleo
  • The black bitchy mouse. She unfortunately had an untimely grisly death which was the result of neglect by my brother and me being sick all weekend in bed. I assume what happened was the other mice starving, ganged up on her, killed her, and then ate her, grisly right!? I made sure from that day on that I would give them ample food whenever I knew would be having a busy or taxing weekend.
  • DOD: 2005
  • COD: Cannibalization
  • Stinky
  • The only white mouse with a distinguishable marking, a bent tail. She was one of the three original mice in our room, unlike the other mice she wasn't a gift she was found by my mother running around at one of her centers. When she brought her to our room, Stinky's little cage smelled pretty pungent which is sadly how she acquired her name. She was kinda batty and had a droll habit of running in circles non stop.
  • DOD: Early 2009
  • COD: Sick/Old Age
NOTE: The rest that follow were all Albino mice and it was hard telling them apart except for Stinky. So with that being said the exact dates of death of these mice is hard to determine:
  • Rewind
  • She was also one of the original 3 mice brought to our room and also the very first white mouse before Stinky showed up. Rewind and Short Round quickly became buddies, they were always seen paling around with each other. Rewind, unlike the other mice had the strongest tendency to build nests, she would tear and shred paper that was tossed in their cage, she would also reach through the bars of the cage to pull outside things in (like clothing, papers, photos, rags, etc) and would use the pieces to build nests. When I was done cleaning their cage, Rewind was usually the first mouse to start pushing around bedding and taking apart cardboard rolls to create a new nest.
  • DOD: 2008/2009?
  • COD: Old Age
  • Betty
  • Was the largest mouse when she was first introduced to our cage but gradually shrunk down to the size of the rest of the mice.
  • DOD: 2008/2009?
  • COD: Old Age
  • Wilma
  • I'm actually not sure what this mouse's name was (I didn't name her). She was nearly identical in appearance to Rewind which made telling them apart the most difficult. This was just the peak of the iceberg, identity became really thorny when Betty finally shrunk to everyone's size.
  • DOD: 2008/2009?
  • COD: Old Age
Here are some super adorable photos I took (circa 2005) of the three original mice Short Round, Stinky, and Rewind before the last three showed up:

Short Round
WhiteMouse 1
WhiteMouse 1

Well we had a good run guys. See yah on the other side my furry friends!


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